full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Tom Honey: Why would God create a tsunami?

Unscramble the Blue Letters

After the tragedy, savivrul stories began to emerge. You probably heard some of them: the man who seurfd the wave, the teenage girl who recognized the dnaegr because she had just been learning about tsunamis at school. Then there was the crneoaggotin who had left their usual church biulindg on the shore to hold a service in the hills. The preacher delivered an extra long sermon, so that they were still out of harm's way when the wave struck. Afterwards someone said that God must have been looking after them.

Open Cloze

After the tragedy, ________ stories began to emerge. You probably heard some of them: the man who ______ the wave, the teenage girl who recognized the ______ because she had just been learning about tsunamis at school. Then there was the ____________ who had left their usual church ________ on the shore to hold a service in the hills. The preacher delivered an extra long sermon, so that they were still out of harm's way when the wave struck. Afterwards someone said that God must have been looking after them.


  1. building
  2. surfed
  3. congregation
  4. survival
  5. danger

Original Text

After the tragedy, survival stories began to emerge. You probably heard some of them: the man who surfed the wave, the teenage girl who recognized the danger because she had just been learning about tsunamis at school. Then there was the congregation who had left their usual church building on the shore to hold a service in the hills. The preacher delivered an extra long sermon, so that they were still out of harm's way when the wave struck. Afterwards someone said that God must have been looking after them.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
man built 2
waves obey 2
natural world 2

Important Words

  1. began
  2. building
  3. church
  4. congregation
  5. danger
  6. delivered
  7. emerge
  8. extra
  9. girl
  10. god
  11. heard
  12. hills
  13. hold
  14. learning
  15. left
  16. long
  17. man
  18. preacher
  19. recognized
  20. school
  21. sermon
  22. service
  23. shore
  24. stories
  25. struck
  26. surfed
  27. survival
  28. teenage
  29. tragedy
  30. tsunamis
  31. usual
  32. wave